Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week 9 Comments

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 9 Readings

Maybe it's because I'm not well-versed in HTML yet but all of the XML readings and the tutorial were very hard for me to understand. I'm hoping that by reading my classmates blogs on these readings, it will help but at this point I have a feeling it won't really come together for me until next week's lecture.

I do have to say that the beginning of the Bergholz article, the figures showing the differences between XML and HTML were helpful but then I got lost again.

Week 8 Muddiest Point

I'm not sure about the FTP part of Assignment 6 or what program to use to get our websites onto the Pitt server. After some Googling, I found filezilla which I think I may be able to use but I'm not sure yet.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 8 Readings

For someone who has never really used HTML, this tutorial was great. It started out with a basic explanation of what the different parts of the code mean (start tag, end tag, element content, etc) and also how it is important to use lowercase tags. It also made it clear that the most important tags define headings, paragraphs and line breaks and to always be aware of these and not to skip end tags. The numerous examples to play with were very helpful, along with the 'useful tips' located throughout the tutorial. The one thing I noticed is that it is VERY important to spell correctly in the code. That's what I kept screwing up the most but am confident now that I can do some basic HTML coding. The Cheatsheet provided and the Quick List provided by the tutorial will be good reference sheets to use in the future.

The CSS tutorial was a bit tougher to get my head around but I figure the better I get at HTML, the more the CSS stuff will become easier.

The CMS article was interesting in that it explained clearly why consistency is so important in CMS and how the library guides work better when there are standards for content, layout, etc. With standards in place, librarians can now focus more on content, which I would think they prefer. The article explained all the different steps involved in going from FrontPage to the new CMS and plans for the future.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 7 Muddiest Point

I wonder what the general reaction is to PURL. It seems that people would tend to shy away from using a central agency for people to access their webpages through. Is there concern about the possibility of OCLC getting hacked? Dr. He brought up that PURL would be around as long as OCLC is so it struck me that maybe this isn't the best way to fix the problem of urls.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Assignment 5

Here's the link to my Koha Virtual Shelf (a reference collection I wish I owned and perfect for the Halloween season):